Hero Cleaning and Emergency Services


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Free Dryer Vent cleaning 4803329313

Call Duane for your dryer vent cleaning.
if you have a dryer and you probably do you have lint.
Lint collects in the dryer vent and over time it clogs the air way.
 families with a large number of loads per week can create a more damaging problem because often the lint is not completely dry when it moves into the dryer duct.
moist lint clogs and makes the dryer work harder.
clogged dryers create bad air flow.
im not going to go into safety or dangerous statistics
but they are bad.
What i am going to say is for $99 in a single story home or $150 for most 2 story homes you could protect your home from danger or worse.
Save on energy bills good air flow means your dryer drys the clothes in less time so less electricity.
How about Free is Free good? It you care for a FREE dryer vent cleaning your can get your dryer vent cleaning if you hire us to clean your sir conditioning vents for $189 per unit you get you dryer Vent for FREE that a $99 value for FREE